Customer Experience & Design

Great brands have come about as a result of incredible user experience and design skills coupled with smart technical engineering teams.

UX & UI Design

Our work doesn’t just include the people we are designing for - it is the foundation of our entire design process.

From in-depth interviews, co-design workshops, empathy mapping, and user journeys, we ensure we design experiences for the people we are here to serve. We spend time with you, your teams, and your customers to see where the pain points lie, and how opportunities can be realised. We are then able to complete our design methodology which includes personas & story mapping, wireframes, and clickable prototypes.

User testing happens early, often, and is continuous. This journey is ongoing and we remain ever curious to better products.



It was time for a review of the Vodafone self-service portal for business customers, and ultimately to investigate a better UX. This was an ideal time to test current assumptions of the customer needs, with an eye to increasing operational efficiencies.

Vodafone & Dteligence worked with UiRevolution to bring the needs of the customer into focus, unpack any key challenges and opportunities and recommend a revitalised customer experience.

Within 3 weeks we updated the key personas, refreshed the customer journeys, re-engaged internal stakeholders, simplified the information architecture, and used a simple set of wireframes to help their salesforce team implement a new UX.