Renault NZ
- Responsive Web Design and Development
High-octane cars plus high-calorie apps equals high satisfaction. We’ve put them together to create this online experience for the customers of Renault New Zealand. Users are quick to notice the responsive design, which optimizes size, panning, and scrolling as they move from one device to another. We’ve aligned the experience to the highly flexible ways in which communication is done in this second decade of the third millennium.
With this app, there are no red lights. The highways are open and information flows easily. When it comes to ease of access, there’s no speeding ticket; not with us. Users can explore the whole range of cars on sale if it is their driving test. Without the stress, of course. But with guaranteed satisfaction.
Responsive design for Phones Tables and Desktop
SilverStripe CMS integration
Autoplay vehicle stock integration
Facebook Feed
Market to Marketing Automation
SEO optimised